Hi there, Surely you have seen the arrows on the screen of right your app and seeing it everyday makes you crazy. I am too. I have some ways to make it disappear from your eyes forever. Let's we will do.
How does the shotcut arrows look like?
How to remove shortcut arrows in Windows 10
1. Open up regedit
Type in regedit into the
Cortana/search box and (2) select regedit at the top
2. Answer yes
When prompted Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your PC? Choose
3. Navigate
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
4. Create Key
Right click on \Explorer and using the dialog menu choose
New > Key and name it Shell Icons.
Press Enter.
5. Create String Value
In the right pane of Shell Icons, right click on an empty area, and click/tap on
New and String Value. Name it 29.
6. Modify String Value
Double click/tap on the 29 String Value to modify it. You should see a blank box called Value data.
7. Define String Value
In the Value data box enter (or copy and paste):
%windir%\System32\shell32.dll,-50 and hit OK when done.
8. Restart
You can now either reboot the computer or log off and on back again to complete the changes.